I have been hunting the same piece of property for 5 years ( 1,700 acrs). This past weekend me and one of my buddies went down to our lease so we could check all our stands out. We have names for most all of these stands but we have never really put a number on the amount till this weekend.
Just between the 2 of us we have 24 lock-on stands, 8 ladder stands and 4 climbers. Every year we are always buying a few new stands and when we put them up we leave them in there year round. We check them before the start of the season and always have to loosen them up so they dont get to tight.
If i wasnt so broke right now i would buy a few more to put out in a few places we found last weekend. I dont think you can ever have to many stands in the woods so you can almost always hunt the wind.
How do you guys hunt property that you have access to year after year.