Still very upset with taking the shot but this is a prime example of HOW MUCH a deer can move at the shot.
Good news is the deer died 75 yards past where I saw it and we found it this AM.
Viewing the hit, anyone would swear this deer was shot from a treestand. I was dumbfounded. NEVER has a hit been so far from where I SWEAR I saw it go. Yish!
Obviously the flash of yellow I saw low and far back was existing??? Dont ask me, I'd have bet the farm I saw it hit low and too far back.
It DID hit 1/3 of the way down from the spine through the third rib from the back and existed after passing though the VERY back of one lung and the liver with an exit hole WAY down close to bottom. No, not a happy camper with that shot and a lesson is learned..IN SPADES!
Shooting at an almost broadside deer at 15 yards from the ground......WOW! I'd have bet money that shot angle was all but impossible! It also makes ME look like some goof but this is hardly my first bowkill or first time watching an arrow hit. Far from it!
The deer ran 75 yards in view, looking normal bounding along and died at the bottom of that same hill.
VERY thankful it didn't suffer through the night like I thought yet there will be NO MORE shots at spooked deer for this old phart!
43lb 1968 Super K, Grizzly head, about 300 grains up front total and 575 grains total that passed through the spinning deer and ended up about 8 yards past where the hit occured.
My first with a Grizzly head. I've them on GT 400s and Abowyer heads on Grizzlystiks.
The arrow did a better job than the guy shooting, I know that much.
WILL try for a better job on the next one.
Coming SOON I hope.
No pictures, camera is deader than an ex wife's promise. No clue why, batteries are new but working on that for the next one.
Wishing a better shot and shorter time tracking than I had......for each and every one of you, AND ME TOO!