Just a small update. I took the recurve and headed out to one of my stands last night after work. About 630 a nice doe came down my trail and offered a shot at 15 yards. I took the shot and trailed her for over 6 hours until 1 A.M.
We followed the blood trail, but it was very sparse. It went over a mile then was lost. I had about 7" of penetration but was unable to see where the shot was on her body. I did find the rest of the arrow, so I'm hoping she lives to see another day.
Just part of the game, but i hate losing an animal.
Loosing that Doe is a tough one to swallow, there can be so many variables in what happened though. Could possibly have been to no fault of yours. Arrow deflection, broadhead deflection, deer jumping the string....etc. I know it sure don't help your confidence, but I will offer advice to not give up!
I remember feeling somewhat the same as you the first year I switched from wheels. Felt unsure, but I ended up killing 2 deer that season. One thing I feel helped contribute to my success is keeping all my shots under 10 yards, even though I could group well at 15. It was a range I had pure confidence in. I think that really helped with my success off the bat, it sure did wonders for my confidence.
Don't let it get ya down for to long. Loosing one is definetly a worse case senario for us all. In the big picture, if she dies, she will be used by critters that probably need the sustinence more than us. That's definitely not an excuse for any bowhunter to take loosing an animal lightly, but it is the truth.
Use it as an excuse to continue and find perfection.
If I could help, feel free to shoot me a PM or email.