EFOC is achieved by having most of your arrow weight forward. As SlowBo said, starting with hardwood (heavy) shafts is going to kill your attempts for EFOC unless you go to a very high final arrow weight. If you start with a lighter shaft such as spruce, cedar or fir, you will have much better results. Both fir and spruce are stronger than cedar and can give you a reasonable arrow weight, 10 gr/lb, and trajectory with a heavy point for good FOC. I have some tapered fir that are in the 19-20% range, but it took some effort to get there.
If you are willing to put the effort into footing, I would suggest starting with a lighter shaft material or even one of your broken cedars and moving up to a 160 gr point. I believe you will be MUCH happier with the end result. If you craft pool cues, footing isn't going to be a big challenge for you.