Hey guys thanks for the comments. This doe will always hold a special place in my memories, she was the one that proved I could do it. She was my first with a stick bow. The story about this hunt is only the final step of a journey that took 17 months. The journey is actually a better story than the hunt. My interest was sparked when I purchased "Bows on the Little Delta" at the Harrisburg Pa show. I also met Gene and Barry when I purchased "Come November" at that same show. My first year shooting and hunting with a recurve was 2007. After beginning that season with a few misses a wound and a ton of other blunders, I went back to my wheels to put some venison in the freezer. Towards the end of the season I went back to my recurve (a Bear Super K). I had kept up my practice through out the season and still wanted badly to try and put it all together. Well a little bit more humility came my way in the form of an main frame 8 point with matching kickers off his G-2's. I watched him feed on acorns at 30yds (a good shot for wheels)for the better part of an hour.
Then during the winter of 08 I really knew I wanted to make this transition to being a stick bow hunter. I loved the community, the history, the mystique, the simplicity. Basically anything that had to do with traditional archery. So I sold my brand new wheel bow to purchase a custom stick. Over that winter I had a lot of time to think and knew many other things needed to change. The gap method I had learned my first year was fine for targeting but did not do well for me in the field. That winter I started to learn and use the Ferguson method. I also knew I had to change my ways of setting up tree stands. I could no longer depend on technology to help me cover more of the woods I had to pick my set ups carefully and tight. Well through out the early part of 08 I read, watched, practiced, and listened to every thing I could find on traditional archery. As the season approached stands were hung and practice continued. I actually won a few 3-D shoots to help boost confidence.