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Author Topic: The Curse Has Lifted  (Read 990 times)

Offline Mocsin1

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The Curse Has Lifted
« on: October 12, 2009, 10:11:00 PM »
Man have i had a tough season this year. Seasoned opened Saturday before last. Got up opening morning and man I was sick to my stomach but got ready and headed to the barn to get the four wheeler. Before I left the barn I had to puke. Finally got to my stand and settled in only to find out I misjudged the wind and every deer in the woods winded me. Moved my stand and tried again on Monday. Five minutes after getting in my stand looked around and there stood a huge spike. Picked a spot hit anchor and fired, my bow hit the cable on my stand and he jumped the string.   Looked like a miss so I settled back in when that little voice said go check the arrow so I did. Well I hit the deer but it was a gut shot. Waited about 3 hours and started tracking. Followed a pretty good blood trail for about half a mile and then nothing. Looked every where for the rest of the day and could not find it. Man was I disgusted not only did I lose a deer but I lost a fox squirrel and a ground hog in less than a week. Well the story goes on. Camped and hunted with some friends in another part of the county. One friend killed a really nice bear but the deer have disappeared. There are very few acorns so we tried to hunt other food sources but was just not seeing deer. Well I was going in to a state of depression after losing the buck and not being able to find any deer at all. Well after a week of camping and shooting nothing but targets decided to come home and hunt my place again. Still not seeing any deer. Finally this evening it seemed game started to move. Saw a coon and a gray fox but still no deer. Right at the very last light I caught a glimpse of something turned and could barely make out that it was a deer. I focused on it hit anchor and let go an arrow. Heard the hit and seen the deer take off and then I thought I heard it crash. I can't hear very good but thats what I thought any way. Climbed down found my arrow which was broke off about half way with the fletching clean. I wasn't sure where I had hit it but was sure I heard it crash. Got my light and went the way the deer the took off in. Went about 70 or 80 yards and there it was piled up. Wasn't the biggest one ever just a button head but I was proud and relieved to get my first deer of the year. I hit it through the left shoulder and went into stomach and barely poked through the hide. Boy did that zwickey do some damage. Hopefully the curse is over for the rest of the year and I can enjoy myself more. I hate to lose a deer. My equipment was a 60# Hoyt Ganemaster, zwickey Eskimo 4 blade and goldtip arrows. i just wanted to share my ups and downs with you guys  and if anyone else is having more downs than ups I encourage you to stick with it and try to enjoy being in Gods beautiful creation and your curse will end to.


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Re: The Curse Has Lifted
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2009, 10:15:00 PM »
kool, Congrats

Offline bmb

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Re: The Curse Has Lifted
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2009, 10:54:00 PM »
congrats!!! guess youre enjoying the hoyt:)

Offline Michael Arnette

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Re: The Curse Has Lifted
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2009, 11:02:00 PM »
Next time you hit one in the gut wait at least 6 hrs. The only time a gut shot deer will die sooner is if it is hit in the kidney or spleen and maybe a few other choice areas.
Congrats on your deer.

Offline Jedimaster

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Re: The Curse Has Lifted
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2009, 06:15:00 PM »
Right at the very last light I caught a glimpse of something turned and could barely make out that it was a deer. I focused on it hit anchor and let go an arrow.
:scared:    :eek:    :scared:
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Offline vtmtnman

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Re: The Curse Has Lifted
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2009, 04:49:00 AM »
Originally posted by Jedimaster:
Right at the very last light I caught a glimpse of something turned and could barely make out that it was a deer. I focused on it hit anchor and let go an arrow.
:scared:      :eek:      :scared:  [/b]
>>>>--TGMM family of the bow--->

Offline longbow from LW

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Re: The Curse Has Lifted
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2009, 05:17:00 AM »
I think what the folks are saying here is if you can barely make out its a deer at the very last light don't shoot to begin with.  Your lucky you recovered the animal.  You don't seem to have a great track record it seems recovering animals either no matter what they are.  Just my opinion.  keepem sharp

Offline Mocsin1

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Re: The Curse Has Lifted
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2009, 10:48:00 AM »
First of all I put this on here to encourage others not give up when having a tough season and to tell my story. I don't recall asking opinions on how I hunt or the decisions I make. I have hunted for alot of years and this is only the second deer I have lost in more than twenty years of hunting. I don't appreciate the statement above this one at all. If you don't have something nice to say then its best to keep it to yourself. Just my opinion. I know when I have a good shot and when I don't. Thanks to the other guys for the good words and yes bmb I love the Hoyt.

Offline bmb

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Re: The Curse Has Lifted
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2009, 01:36:00 PM »
what mocsin1 said is true....he was trying to encourage others. it seems to me alot of guys get on these threads just to argue. give it up guys!! no need in it.

God bless.

Offline ChristopherO

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Re: The Curse Has Lifted
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2009, 01:36:00 PM »
You made it public when you posted it so expect someone to comment on a statement that, the way it was written, doesn't show discretion.  
We've not always made the best of choices, with words or actions, but when we enter it on the web we need to have thick skin.
Glad you got your deer and I hope the rest of the season is excellent.

Offline longbow from LW

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Re: The Curse Has Lifted
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2009, 01:57:00 PM »
Just commenting on what you wrote.  Glad you recovered the last deer even if you shot it in the dark. The first basic tenant of any type of hunting with any type of weapon, be sure of your target.  You were barely sure of your target when you said you could barely make out it was a deer.  How the heck did you see your arrow in flight.  So you have one lost gut shot deer, one woodchuck lost and a fox.  Beats me but that somehow does not seem kosher to me.  Don't really care what anyone else thinks but loosing 3 and recovering one and when you could barely make it out ain't cool.  As for hunting alot of years if this is the way you hunt just don't think it is proper.

Hunting traditional with the weapons that we have limited ourselves to we need every advantage we can muster but only if it is fair, if the shot can be made with no questions and if we are comfortable with the  moral dilemma that if it isn't and then not recovering an animal by taking a marginal shot then I you should guess take it.  I myself am not comfortable with that dilemma.  Simple as that.  This will be the last I comment on it.

Offline crookedwoody

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Re: The Curse Has Lifted
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2009, 02:46:00 PM »

Offline Mocsin1

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Re: The Curse Has Lifted
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2009, 04:05:00 PM »
I understand what you guys are saying. I should have worded that differently, What I was trying to say is it was dark enough that I had a hard time picking a spot but I could tell it was a deer I watched it for five minutes feed in front of my stand. I would never shoot at something that I wasn't sure of what it was. I also would not had took the shot if I was not confident of making an ethical shoot. The squirrel and the ground hog were hit good right behind the shoulder. The hog got off the arrow and went in its hole and the squirrel was hit in the the same spot with a hex head and the head just wasn't enough to kill it. I don't want to cause an argument just don't like being question on doing something I know that was right. Thanks guys for all you responses.

Offline Jedimaster

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Re: The Curse Has Lifted
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2009, 05:21:00 PM »
Good on you Mocsin1, I hoped that might be the case. Written word is often different from spoken and, quite honestly, both can be different from a persons intent. But as a father of two boys that, more often than not, wind up in the wrong place at the wrong time I tend to pick up on things that incite my fears.  

Crookedwoody's story is one I recently heard.  Also, I have two friends that were shot and survived.  Both were shot by "experienced hunters" and both were positively identified as game ... until the shooter found them.

I have had occasion to be afraid while moving to and from my stand.  Valid considering the woods are also host to those that are uneducated and/or unrestrained.  I'm not at all implying that is you.  Likewise I don't want to create turmoil.  I think it is a good time of year for us all to remind ourselves to be sure of the target and what is beyond.  Stay safe, shoot straight and have a great season!
Do or do not ... there is no "try"

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Offline ThomastaylorIII

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Re: The Curse Has Lifted
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2009, 05:49:00 PM »
Not to be rude, but squirrel, ground hog, deer, possum, fox, or anteater for all i care, you should never take a shot on any animal that you are uncertin about.... whether that is personal skill or the position of the animal, you should never take a shot that has a low percentage or that you are uncertin about.. If it is so dark that you can't tell that a deer is quartering too, then you probably dont need to shoot at it. If you look at the animals feet it is easy to determine the angle of the animal. These are all things that we learn as we go. But always remember, the game we hunt is to be respected, you should hold the life which you intend to take when you draw the string in high regard. Many times people get nervous and treat hunting as a game, its made to be enjoyed but it is a real life that you are about to take, not just some computerized recreation. Im not fussing or trying to be a "Trad Police" at all, but stuff like that doesnt fly at my camp, regardless of age or expirence level.
Only forgiveness will finally end this,
There won't be a witness if we both fall, Theres never a hero in a battle of evil, there's never a winner of the quick draw.

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