Hunting alone is more theraputic for me, but it is definately more dangerous.
Had the opportunity to go last monday for about 3hrs in the late evening. Blasted a few "fawn in distress" calls and had 3 does coming in with 4 fawns when a dog started howling every time I would call. I hear it getting closer, and am watching the deer, but they knew the dog was coming, so they skeedatelled. about 30 seconds later a shape comes into view and I think well I may have a coyote to deal with here.
Its a doberman-and this dog looks like it is up to no good. Im on the ground, and it comes trottling up to me, 20 yds and Im starting to get nervous, so I unsnap the tomahawk and pull it outta the sheath. Stood up and shouted at it, but it just circled, about 10 yds away. I had dropped my bow at this point, and was ready.
I think he was aware that I had a weapon, or could have caused him some damage, but he threw his head around a little and barked a couple times, and then turned and trotted off at the same pace he came in on.
Made my hair stand on end there for a few minutes....
Anyway, all that non-sense story to say
Hunting alone is more fulfilling for me, but there is a certain danger in being alone.