It was a new setup and Pete being the more accomplished Trad hunter decided to show his brother just how the platform should be hunted. Dawn has yet to break when we get in. Pete makes it onto the platform and settles onto the the little tri fold seat. Me I climb the ladder stand and settle in at 15' above. Great view and very few mosquitoes.
I can hear the mosquitoes buzzing around Petes head. He is a natural magnet for them. I can sit in a double with him wearing and bug suit and thrmecell going. He will be swarmed and just sit there in my shirt.
Anyway back to the video. notice how he is seated at beginning vs prior to shot. Also look at his left leg in relation to the bottom limb of the bow just before the shot.
Pete I want to thank you for doing the teaching. I am a visual learner and you certainly showed me.
The slow mo portions capture how hogs react and Pete's bow is very quiet.
"Learning curve for hunting palmetto platform"
hunter Pennsyltuckey Pete.. Video by Les