I've been using mine that way for about 15yrs.,flip the seat up and you have the whole platform to move around on, and nothing for your bottom limb to hit!
I have a very old version that was an original V-bar stand, converted to a traction band when they came out. Plenty big, but the newer version is even a little bigger.
I still use the original bungee that used to come with the stand that had the single hook built into it. Just hook it on the band on the backside of the tree and you can flip the seat up, and it flattens against the tree.
I don't know how many deer I've killed out of that stand. I rarely set stands around here any more because of thievery.
But I think the versatility of the climber has given me more of those "first time in" situations.
I love my LW...and I'll be about 18ft up in it in the morning