I hate to post stuff like this, nobody here knows me from a stranger on the street. So me posting about how much I practice, how much I really focus on only taking clean shots, how much time and energy I put into this sport isnt going to do any good. This is my second year in a row of drawing on a deer only to have my arrow venture off course. A solid old doe was standing just thirty yards from me. A shot I can make in my back yard from an elevated stand day in and day out. The old girl standing slightly quartering away is unaware of me, I draw hold look at her shoulder, release. KATHUNK.
First thought sounded good sounded real good. Second thought she is hit hard.
Third thought why the hell isnt she falling over. She stops out at 80 yards standing head down you can see the breath coming out of her at a rapid pace, almost to the point of hyperventilating.
Fourth thought she is dead tip over now.
Fifth thought well there is the exit hole mid ship low, that means shot was back a little further than anticipated.
Six thought lay down, please? Why are you still walking lay down! Keep an eye on her watch where she goes. Still walking 100 110 115 120 125 lay down now!
Seventh thought where did she go, ive lost her in a setaside field of tall grass and brush. Good spot maybe she will bed up and die there over night.
I get down get my arrow, smells like guts and poop an awful smell. Looks brown and bloody and has small chunks of food on it. Not the big hunks of undigested food but small hunks none the less. Just over all a foul looking arrow.
Am I correct in assuming that I probably hit her in the intestines and back of the stomach and that she should be dead in the morning probably in that setaside field? The snuffer 160's are some big ole heads and I feel confident she is hit hard.