Okay, some of you might have read my post "Screwed up BAAAADDDD (pics added)" where I left my bow leaning against the truck at the end of yesterdays hunt then drove off and left it. I was sick. Rut just starting to kick in and my bow was gone.
What amazed me were the responses I got both on the thread and by private email or pm of offers of loaner bows. Guys from all over the country were writing to say "I've got a ________ bow that you are welcome to use"
I've seen this generosity here on tradgang many times and had it directed my way back in September when I was in a situation where I wanted to buy Gene and Barry's new books but couldn't afford to buy the books and buy arrows to hunt with. Quite a few guys offered to send me some arrows and in the end, Biggie "big heart" Hoffman sent me a half dozen Carbon Express Heritage 350's. THANKS BIGGIE!!!
Since this morning, I've had the following replies:
From KennyM:
Dave ,
What a bummer! Give me a call tonite,might have one you can use!
From Bretto:
Dave, What draw weight do You need. With the rut getting ready to go full bore You can't be sitting around wishing You were in the wood
I've got a couple of different longbows or recurves I can loan You. All in the mid 50's or so at 28" and 60-62" lengths.
P.M. Me or give Me a call I can have a bow in your hands tonight!!!
From L.E. Carroll:
Dave sent you a PM for a "loaner" RF/DF LB.. if it would fit your needs. [thumbsup]
From bctgrad:
Hey Dave, what area were you hunting? I hunt a few of the public spots around KC (mostly on the east end). If it's one where I hang out, I'll keep my eye out and ask others that I run into.
You might post an add on Craigslist, maybe the guy who found it is looking for you.
I also have a some extra bows that are just laying around that you could use if one fits, let me know and I'll gladly hook you up with one.
From Curtiss Cardinal:
Dave what was the draw weight of the bow. I have a 60 or so at 28" 3 piece takedown longbow I can loan you. It's a Crooked Stic 64" with an osage and ebony riser and action boo limbs. You can use it for the rest of the season. Whatever you need.
I hope you recover the bow, Curtiss
From Andrew Banks:
I'm so sorry about your screw up. It happens. I have a loaner bow if you would like? It's not a longbow, but a Bear Kodiak Magnum. It's 55# @ 28". Shoots fast and true. I'd loan it to you so you could at least finish your season.
Sorry, you can't borrow my JV Outback..LOL!
Let me know.
Andrew Banks
From Batman:
Dave , I got a navajo apache I aint shooting much right now. It's 53@28 62" one pc. nice bow I won 2nd at the nc state with it this year. glad to send her to you if you need it. Don
And lastly, just since I posted that I found it but it's damaged, this from Whip:
That is great news Dave! She can most likely be made as good as new.
I'm taking over the Bow Hospital business from Jim Belcher/Sky Archery next month. Tell you what, if you're interested send it on up and I'll take it with me when I go over to see Jim in December. If the bow can be fixed I'll take care of it for you. No charge.
That bow has good karma - maybe I can rub some of it off on myself while I work on it! Just let me know.
Guys, I wish there was something more I could say besides just thank you. People ask me what's so special about traditional bow hunters and I try to explain that there is a brotherhood. A unity based on shared morals, values and ethics that is not very common anymore in everyday life but is actually the norm here. It kind chokes a guy up to be on the receiving end of all the niceness to be found here.
Thank you all for your well wishes, prayers and thoughts. It's "just a bow" but it's special to me. I own about 15 or so recurves but never use them. I bought almost all of them for the kids to grow into. When I shoot, there is one bow that I grab and that's my Lonetree longbow. With my gorrilla draw of almost 32", it's smooth and sweet pulling and zings 'em like a laser. Today when I went to pull my stand, I climbed up and just sat there empty handed for over an hour and it was HARD. I've had this bow for about ten years and besides just being a fine bow, I once made it a promise.
Sounds funny to make a promise to a bow but it was also a promise to myself and a recently deceased best friend and hunting bud. The promise is personal but it has to do with an old friend and a big buck. You can probably figure it out. I've yet to fulfill it...but I intend to.
When I do, you'll hear about it I hope.