I hunted 12 days for those 3 shots. I saw deer every day, but like you, didn't have a legitimate shot on most. One thing I do is set up in tight, thick bottlenecks. Unlike up here in Maine, down there you can see a good long ways in the woods. So can the deer, IMO. I try to find old fence rows, a brushy neck between feeding and bedding areas, anything that will funnel the deer in and make them give me the most shot opportunities possible. I set each spot up with two stands, to cover the winds changing, then stick to them. I went back in the next morning to retrieve the arrow on the little buck and spooked two does standing in the exact same place I shot him. This spot has given me and my friends over 20 deer in the past 10 years. Do your homework, stick with it, and you'll put one on the ground.
Good luck!!