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Author Topic: Ever been visited by the dreaded tree bat while sitting in a tree stand. (PICS)  (Read 969 times)

Offline Straitshot

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You never know who your going to meet while sitting in a tree stand.

Several years ago while sitting in a very comfortable live oak tree and minding my own business, I observed a young squirrel making it's way toward my position. I had my recurve resting just in front of me. It was resting with the lower limb tip to my right on a large limb I was sitting on and the upper limb tip was to my left, a little up and slightly away, on another limb. It was in such a way that the tips were pivot points, and if you pushed on the side of the riser it would swing back and fourth. My reason for describing this will become obvious further into the story.

 Anyway, as previously mentioned I was watching a young squirrel making its way through the trees in my direction. I watched him leap from the tree adjacent to the one I was occuping and make his way onto the limb the upper limb of my bow was resting on. I sat motionless as he made his way down the limb. I wanted to see just how close he would come before realizing I was there. In herkey jerkey motions he made his way down the limb until he arrived at my bow limb tip. He stopped and began looking at the bow as if sizing it up. Then without hesitation decided to use it as a bridge to get to the larger limb I was sitting on. As he started down the limb however, he straddled the string and within inches was high centered. When his little feet could no longer reach the belly of the limb they began to slip and he began to teeter back and fourth. Finally, pushing with his back leggs he was able to back up. Whereupon, he cocked his head and looked down the limb in determination to make another attempt at crossing this confounded bridge. Once again straddling the bow string his progress was halted in only a few inches and the bow began to rock back and fourth as he tried not to loose his ballance while attempting to back up. After finally gaining security back on the tree limb, to my amazement once more he attempted to conquer the dreaded bridge, but again the results was the same. This guy was persistant and he wasn't finished yet. Once more he attempted to traverse this queer contraption but once more the results was the same, so, without apology or hesitation he turned, hiked his back leg and began to pee on my bow limb. Stunned, while yet about to bust outloud with laughter, I watched him do his thing on my bow limb, bound back up the tree limb, leap back into the adjacent tree, and was gone with not so much as a "by your leave".

As I said, you never know.           :biglaugh:          

This must be his cousin.


A man's true measure is not found in what he says, but in what he does.

Online The Whittler

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You should of said BOO, then the fun would of begin lol. Thanks for sharing.

Offline Ray

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That was great(LOL),NEVER KNOW what will happen when hunting.

Offline Earl Jeff

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If he peed on my bow he would have to go  :mad:    :mad:

Offline Bill Tell

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That is a very funny story.  Thanks.
"I'm going to find my direction magnetically. " Eddie Vedder

Offline Tom Leemans

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Ahhh the monarch of the forrest ha ha ha!
Got wood? - Tom

Offline scbowhnter

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Now I'm cleaning up the coffee I just spewed on my keyboard. What a great story.

I can't help but think that this incident should have some effect on your bow's name.....

Offline Tioga

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That little rascal in the picture sure would make for some nice Whitlock Squirrel Nymphs.  :)  

Had a flyig squirrel land in my lap one time while I was waiting in the predawn darkness for morning light. 'Bout jumped outta my treestand.

  These little episodes add great character to each and every hunt.  :)
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Offline wapiti792

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That my friends made me spit my coffee at my computer screen! FUNNY STUFF!

Tioga, bet Dave Whitlock would think the same thing. You could use his tail for the legs of a Dave's Hopper too!
Mike Davenport

Offline KentuckyTJ

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Little rascals. My buddy use to have one as a pet years ago. They are cool little dudes (unless you are in a treestand of course)
The fulfillment of your hunt is determined by the amount of effort you put into it  >>>---->

Offline JEFF B

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ho man that way to funny i would have pissed on him and i bet he would not like it just think how your poor bow limb felt  
'' sometimes i wake up Grumpy;
other times i let her sleep"


Offline 2treks

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Thats a good one, Thanks for sharing. I have enjoyed ole bushy tail for many an hour while on stand. Have had them try to cross me and my gear to carry on, but never had one leave me so rudely. That is funny.
 The flying squirrels that seem to be fond of landing on me at the end of an evening vigil can feel free to stop it. scares the fire out me everytime. Thanks again.
United States Navy.

"Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter.”
~ Francis Chan

Offline bowhunterfrompast

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I've had several amusing episodes with our little furry friends but none as funny as that one.
Rick Wakeman
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Offline BDann

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Kinda reminds me of my old birdog.....I had to tell my buddies to keep moving or else he would either hump their leg or pee on it!

Offline Straitshot

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To have a flying squirrel land in my lap in the pre dawn darkness would probably give me a heart attack or do something very unflattering. Every creature within five miles would know my exact location as they heard me screaming like a girl. It would probably take me hours to recover.
A man's true measure is not found in what he says, but in what he does.

Offline donw

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LOL... i can relate to it...and look at it this way: he provided a "natual" scent cover for you...

i had a squirrel run across my lap while sitting in a stand of boulders once...scared the beejeebers outta me...  :biglaugh:    :biglaugh:
i was told by a sales person, when purchasing an out-of-date newpaper that it was out-of-date...

i told her "i've been told i'm out-of-date, too"...

does that mean i'm up-to-date?

Offline Brian Krebs

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I was sitting on a tree stump once while bowhunting for deer; and heard something approach from behind me. I thought it might be a deer; so I just sat perfectly still. It got closer and closer; and then I heard it run up the stump I was on. It was a mink; and it ran all the way up my back and held onto my hat while I did a bit of a dance.

 Once I was sitting on another stump ( I don't learn fast) and right next to me was a small bush. It was winter; and there was snow on the ground.
 Suddenly a whole flock of grouse walked single file into the bush; and the dozen or so of them were so close- I was wondering how I was going to draw back on one.
 Then out of seemingly nowhere - a mountain lion jumped onto the bush. He swatted at every one of those grouse in a flurry of action; and then stopped and focused on me. He had that 'oh-chit!' look on his face.
 Then he realized I had seen his flurry of misses on the grouse; and gave me a very obvious ' I did that on purpose!' look: and turned and ran off.
 I had a lion tag; but I was laughing to hard to react  :)

 I think one the most wonderful things I have ever seen; was over a bear bait here in Idaho. I had about 50 or more Western Tanagers on the bait; and on some signal; they all flew up and straight for me. For a few fantastic moments I was surrounded by the colors of those birds- it was like magic.

 I had one treestand set up over an elk trail; and right at dark; this little tiny owl would fly by me. So I squeaked like mouse; and that owl came in and hovered right in front of my face. Inches in front of my face.
 I contemplated the loss of my lips.
 I told my son that there was an owl coming into that stand - and told him to squeak like a mouse when he saw it.

   He still has not forgiven me....

Offline owlbait

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I had a red squirrel walk a limb toward my hand one day. My arm was resting on the limb. When his face was just inches from my hand I sprang my hand open like jaws opening. That little guy bailed from 20 ft up that tree, hit the ground and rolled, then hightailed out of there. Wonder what he told his buddies  :scared:    :confused:
Advice from The Buck:"Only little girls shoot spikers!"

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