I think he will be back also.I once missed a 4 pt in the morning,he came back by the same tree in the evening and I missed him again.
Don't forget,he isn't the only deer in the woods and especially this time of year,magical things can happen at any time.You may have a big buck come by that you didn't even know about.
The only thing I would add,try to arrange your blind so you can shoot without standing up.I think you did well getting that shot but I always like to shoot from where I am when the deer shows up.This would usually be sitting or kneeling.
I prefer this even when hunting from trees but think it is especially important when hunting on the ground.I would arrange the blind so you could shoot that way and then practice shooting from those positions.Going through the motion of drawing the bow is almost too much movement to pull off sometimes.The less movement the better.
Besides the motion,anytime you move,there is a potential for noise also.
Since you are shooting from a fixed position,to a known distance,you could even check your "gap" on your target at home and if you are unsure of your hold on the deer,use the point of your arrow to double check that.
I admire your perserverance.That is exactly what it takes.It will happen when it happens but it sounds like you have been paying your dues.This year may be your year.Take pictures and good luck!