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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Correct arrow spine for 45# Bow  (Read 523 times)

Offline ncsaknech1ydh

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Correct arrow spine for 45# Bow
« on: November 07, 2009, 03:07:00 PM »
I recently bought a 45lbs bow after shooting a 60lbs Groves for years, I bought the 45 to try and help my form as I was never able to get to full draw and anchor, no matter what I did I would release before I got to full draw, I did this for years, no matter what I tried, and now with the 45lbs, I can hold the pin on target all day, I must say it is great to have that habit broken, although now with that solved the real work is about to begin to attempt to learn to acually shoot correctly!

Now I can attempt to learn to improve my form, my problem is I have been shooting 2018 Easton XX75s and they shot very well out of the 60 lbs. But they don't shoot so well out of the 45lbs Bow. I know a big part of it is my form, but I do need to start somewhere as far as arrows go to try to get everything tuned. The bow is a 62" Hoyt centershot, I shoot Bear razorheads, I think they are rated at 125 grains, but are in reality 129 grains when I weigh them and 136 grains with the bleeders installed, but I practice without the bleeders. The arrow length is 29", and most of the time now I would say I am drawing about 28 1/2" I would love to stay with the Bear broadheads if possible as I have had great luck with them for years. I also have a set of 50# limbs for the same Hoyt bow that I would like to work up to in time. The arrow charts say at 45#s I should be using 1916s and at 50lbs I should be using 1916s or 2016s. But I have also heard a centershot bow shoots stiffer spined arrows better then the charts call for. Any thoughts on what I should do as far as arrows go so I can start serious tuning will be greatly appreciated. DK.
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64" BobLee Classic TD LBow 57# @ 32 1/2
64" BobLee BCentenniel TD RCurve  53# @ 32 1/2"
Always looking for BobLee Long Bow or RCurve Limbs, 64" 40# to 50#.

Offline Igor

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Re: Correct arrow spine for 45# Bow
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2009, 03:19:00 PM »
I'm shooting 1916 out of my great plains longbow. It's rated 45@28 but my scale has it at about 50@29 my draw length. The bow is not center cut. I have my arrows cut at 29.5 and have 145 grains up front. If I do my part these shoot very well out of this bow. I calculated 2016 on the dynamic spine chart for a 45 lbs recurve and it it came out on a center cut bow/fast flight string (29.25" with a 160 grain head).

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Offline Wannabe1

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Re: Correct arrow spine for 45# Bow
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2009, 06:08:00 PM »
I have a recurve that is 45# @ 29" and like Igor, my arrows are cut 29.5" BOP w/145gr tips. Shoots 2016's very well and I will probably not change the setup.
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Offline moebow

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Re: Correct arrow spine for 45# Bow
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2009, 06:11:00 PM »
Yep!! You're definitely in the 1916 range.  I shoot them any where from 45 to 53# with 125 grain points.
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Offline Fletcher

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Re: Correct arrow spine for 45# Bow
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2009, 08:01:00 PM »
1916 would be my first guess, altho you may do well with 2016's.  If you go with the 2016, leave them long to start.  Tune with a couple of them by shortening them a bit at a time until you find the right length for perfect flight.  Then cut the rest to match.
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