When my daughter Marijane aka Woogchilde was much younger(20 now) she had only been allowed to hunt deer with her muzzle loader or bow.
At about the age of 12 she decided she had proven herself worthy of getting to try a modern weapon that upcoming season and she made that request to me. I had to agree with her as she had taken deer with what she had been given.
I didn't own such a weapon since years before I had sold my last deer rifle the day after I killed a decent buck at about 150 yards. I was disgusted with my gun hunting, All I did was kill a deer. True, he had no clue I was anywhere around. Why? Because I wasn't, I was a long ways from him.
I still buy my gun tag but opt for a different weapon to give chase. I love it!
The last decent buck I killed I could have almost reached out and touched as he went by me(literally). That was a thrill I'll never forget.
Anyway, I ramble.Sorry!
Back to the story. I didn't have the money to purchase a gun for her to use so I took two bows with me to someone who had a 30-30, I gave him his choice of the bows that I was willing to trade for his gun. He picked the Thunderstick over the Legend.
While I was grateful that I was able to let Woog fulfill her wish, I mourned the loss of the Thunderstick. I never really got over it. That bow has crossed thru the my moments of regret time after time over the years.
Just recently I heard thru others that the former gun owner (who was also a trad-archer) had because of health issues had to switch to a bow with let-off. It took a lot of phone calls to find him but I finally did make contact.
Hopefully today he will get his 30-30 back and I'll be reunited with the Thunderstick.
I had to convince him that the bow would be better off with me, getting used, instead of being a beautiful wall decoration.
post script:
Marijane is still an avid hunter but she now walks on the dark side hunting with training wheels...lol I do respect her choice as a "Huntress" and "Sister of the Hunt". She's as deadly as a poisonous viper with her compound.
Her life isn't as carefree as it was when she lived at home. She's found out that things like having to provide for yourself can cut into your hunting time. She has had some success though taking a doe back in Oct.
That's the story. I wish I were better at the typing and the telling of it.But I hope you get the jest of it in spite of my short comings.
Thanks for reading.
God bless,Mudd