Me and 4 of my buddies lease and own over 3,000 acrs down here in south Alabama and lease a cabin that sits on 15 acrs. Where our cabin sits there are 6 mature whiteoak tress 50yds from the side of the house.
On Oct.28 i came in from the morning hunt and was getting all my gear put up and was getting breakfast ready. While sitting on the front porch i look out in the yard and see a young doe feeding. Long story short i made a stalk on her and shot over her back.
While retreiving my arrow i couldnt believe how much deer sign was under the trees, huge droppings. I take a look around and find the perfect set up for a ground blind which i have never killed a deer with a bow from a blind.
The next afternoon after my 4 buddies head out to the other properties i waited for a couple of hours to let all the exhaust clear the air and just let the woods SETTLE down. I grab my bow and make the long hike to my ground blind which is exactly 70yds from the side of our cabin.
I settled in for the 2 hour hunt and 30 seconds later a doe pops up right in front of me only 5yds away. A few secs later a big doe and 2 8 pointers are out in front of me trying to get to the whiteoak thats dropping the most acorns. The young doe had me pinned and had the other 3 deer on edge plus a storm was moving in and acorns were flying everywhere.
As the biggest 8 turned to leave i tried to stop him but a loud shout couldnt have been heard. The shot was 25 yds walking broadside and was to far back. After searching for over 8 hours i found my buck but im sad to say so did the other critters.
I shot my buck with a Morrison ILF recurve 50@30 with full length heritage 150s and stryker broadheads. This was my 3rd shot on a deer and i started shooting trad back in march and im hooked BIG time. The deer is a above average deer for Alabama and im sorry i have no pics but my exwife took our camera along with everything else. Everthing except none of my hunting goodies.