Ive had two ACS's. Currently only have one operable cause Im waiting on limbs for the other riser. Ive had 57#, 47# and now 50# with 40# on the way. I draw to 28" and like you only like a 29" arrow. Im using CX Heritage 150's with a 50 grain brass insert, and 200 grain field tips. Ive been very lucky with this set up on all of the ACS's Ive owned. Bare shafting was a cinch, and they fly like darts. I had to drop the tip weight a bit for the 57# to stiffen it up, but nothing major. I think you'll be happy with the 150, cause they spine out pretty wide. They are also EXTREMELY durable when footed with aluminum. I sold the 57# limbs and Im awaiting the 40's. I'm tinkering with Arrow Dynamic Hammerheads lites, and liking them very much. Only issue is the price. The CX's can be found very reasonable.
Kind Regards,