I see you all frequently mentioning a burr on the edge. Instead of using a BIG file flat on a table, I use a 6 inch file in my right hand and I will hit each set 5 or 6 times and then rotate to the next pair and repeat. I will do this until I get down to 1 and then I'll go at each one with progressively lighter and lighter file strokes until it feels pretty sharp and each side has had the same number of file strokes. When I feel the edges after doing all this I have never felt a burr. I take my fingernail and try to feel a part of the edge that is rolled over and I have never felt one. Every one of my edges is absent any kind of burr. That's when I go to the other tools to try and get it sharper. The best results so far seem to be to lightly use a butchers steel after all the file work. They easily cut rubber bands but won't readily shave hair.
To answer a few earlier questions, on the stone I use 3 in 1 oil before putting the head on it. When I try the FINE Lansky stone I also put oil on it before using it. With the 1000 and 2000 grit sandpaper I lay it on a hard surface and push the head forward a few times on each side. This hasn't seemed to work very well though.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions.