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Author Topic: What a weekend!  (Read 294 times)

Offline swampdrummer

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What a weekend!
« on: November 28, 2009, 08:11:00 PM »
Haven't even loosed an arrow this weekend but its been good!
Thanksgiving day I sat in the morning rain and saw nothing. Thanksgiving evening I sat in the same stand and saw one doe pass by. Had 4 piliated woodpeckers in the tree with me for over an hour.That was pretty special.

Friday morning I decided to chase pigs for a short while as it was COLD out. Well, cold for South Florida anyways.It was 46 when I left and the wind was howling. Slipped up to a feeder on the property North of mine and sure enough. Hogs. I continued to sneak but the wind shifted and they melted away into the palmettos. I could hear grunting and squealing down in the swamp so I decided to slip down that way along a little dim road that crosses the swamp. Hadn't gone 50 yards and two little boars come trotting down the road towards me. The stop about 30 yards away, knowing something doesn't look right and step off the road on a pig trail that leads away from the road. I knew of a spot that I might get  a shot if I could get there before the pigs did so I trotted back about 50 feet but the little boars must have beat me to the crossing as I didn't see them again. About that time I hear thundering hooves. You know the sound like in the westerns when a herd of cattle stampedes?  :scared:  Looking up the road I see two big sows with what must have been 30 or 35 piglets running full tilt down the road! I mean, the full width and maybe 20 feet deep on the road covered with pigs! The swerve off on the same little trail that the boars took and I get ready for them to pass my opening. Sure enough they hit the opening but the lead sow takes a 90 degree left hand turn and heads straight for  me! She passed withing inches of my leg and kept right on going! No shot, need clean drawers!  :eek:  Piglets scattered everywhere. All I could do was laugh....
Friday night I sat in a stand on the south end of my property and had a big doe under me for over an hour. Bucks only right now so I drew and picked a spot on her about 50 times.  :D  As she was walking off close to dark I got a tickle in my throat and coughed. She jumped the fence and toook off.
This morning I sat in the same stand and about 8 am the same doe comes back. Gets directly downwind of me and jumps the fence coming towards me. Walks directly under my stand and commences to licking the rungs of my ladder stand! Never looks up but doesn't stay around either. She walks off thru the palmettos and thats it for this morning.
This evening I got back in the same stand and had a squirrel about leap on my head almost immediately after getting settled in. Watched a big gobbler feed for a bit and heard him fly up 50 yards behind me about 5 pm. Right at dark I'm about to pack it in when I look to my left. A doe and a yearly are headed down the trail towards me. Wait, Theres another deer behind them,and another, and another, and another! Two does and four bucks! A spike, a spindly four point. A nice little six point with a totally white face and ears and a BIG buck bringing up the rear. Not sure how big as he stayed back and in the brush but he looked to be 18" wide at least. At any rate, they all fed slowly towards me as the light was fading fast. I was trying to get into position for shot, shaking like a leaf the whole time and the little yearling doe took  off running. Don't think she saw me as she was behind a big oak tree but her running started them all running and in seconds it was like they were never there.... I'm not sure if the bucks were following the does as the rut "should" be over down here by now but I've never had that many sets of horns in front of me at the same time in my life! Good stuff!

Nothing in the freezer this weekend but it sure has been a goodun'! Staying  out of the woods tommorow to get caught up on honey do's and let thing cool off  bit but I'll be back after them Friday.
just wanted to share!
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Offline bawana bowman

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Re: What a weekend!
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2009, 08:53:00 PM »

You sure do seem to have a lot of game on that property you hunt!   :)    
Would certainly like to make it down that way to help you out filling that freezer one day.   :D  
Just keep at it, I'm sure with the amount of game your seeing you've got to get something in that freezer soon!   :thumbsup:  

I hope I see 1/4 of what you've been seeing when I go to St. Vincent Island Wednesday for the 3 day Sambar deer hunt.   :pray:


Offline swampdrummer

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Re: What a weekend!
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2009, 09:03:00 PM »
Hi Hal,
Yeah, there is a lot of game for as small as it is. I'm on 20 acres and have access to another 60 for hogs but all of it is in the middle of hundreds of acres of oak hammocks, pasture lands and its within the fisheating creek watershed as well.
Enjoy St Vincent!I did that hunt many many years ago. Back around 84 or 85. Didn't kill anything but it sure is a pretty place! Good luck!

Oh,the freezers not empty, It just has a lot more room!  :D
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