It's been a pretty good year for EFA, thanks a lot to the great people at Tradgang. Karen and I decided to show our appreciation by making free shipping to Tradgangers a regular thing. (Just be sure to let us know that you are a Tradganger.)
As a Christmas gift to Tradgangers we are going to also give a free cordovan or calfhair tab ($15.00 value) to anyone ordering a bow quiver during December of this year. (These are premium tabs and are not yet on our website.) If you order a bow quiver be sure to specify 3 under or split fingers, left or right hand, and cordovan or calf hair.
As a reminder we make our ultralight quivers in 6 hood models, 5 sizes, and a whole lot of colors. Also we make attachment systems including limb wrap, limb bolt, and side mount.
Photos of some tabs will follow.
Don and Karen