I saw a comment on another thread that most people foot carbon shafts with aluminum. Is this correct?
I am about to work up my first set of carbons (GoldTip 5575s)so this is all new to me. Is there a reason why this footing is commonly done? I am planning on using 100g inserts behind 125g tips, so I already have some weight forward, but wonder if there is a durability issue here. Also, is there a reference on what aluminum shaft to use with a given carbon shaft, and how long of a foot piece do you use? Do you put it right up to the end of the carbon, against the shoulder of the insert? Epoxy?
If I want to put on a wrap before bareshaft tuning and trim the tip end of the shaft, I read about using saran wrap to temporarily stabilize the insert for test shots; how do you temporize the footing during tuning, same way, with saran wrap?
Thanks once again for advice...this place is a real resource!