Doc Noc & Stevem,
I may be measuring the center-shot wrong. With no rest or sideplate with the bow square & looking down the string I see about 1/8" to 3/16" of light between the string & riser (no arrow nocked). A small diameter (approx. 0.295")carbon arrow lines up straight on a bare riser (neither right or left).
I shoot at approximately 52lbs. at a 28.5-29" draw. CE Maxima 350s at 31.5" with 100 gr. brass inserts & 125 gr. point. Little wear on the outside of the shelf, but bareshaft OK.
Everyone tells me my 60" one piece Fedora 560 is fast, but haven't used a chrono. Glass, Osage, and bamboo limbs. Locust riser.