SIMMER don't BOIL!! Use "OxyClean" or similar product from the laundry section of your supermarket. It'll gell all flesh and it takes little to no effort to remove.
Next, bleach the skull in industrial grade hydrogen peroxide. Not the 3% stuff you get at the pharmacy. You may have to shop around for the stuff (I found it - of all places - in a hydroponic garden supply store. It's used for plant roots...) Anyway, soak it in the H2O2 overnight and it'll come out bleached (though it'll appear somewhat yellow until it completely dries.
Next glue in the teeth with Elmer's or other white glue and let dry. Finish the skull off with a table-top lacquer brushed on and you're good to go. I'll try to post a photo of the deer skull I have Euro mounted. By the way, if you do a deer skull, be sure the antlers stay out of the whole process. To get the H2O2 around the base of the antlers and the top of the skull, use gauze and let it wick up to those areas.