I cut his package off, skin the white tube all the way bac kto his be-hind, make my cut around his Hiney, then open him up carefully. If the bladder is full, I flip it to the side away from the deer, and nick it with my knife tip and drain it. Sometimes if I have a container like a water bottle, I squirt it in there. I'll use it to freshen scrapes.
After I get him open, I use my wire saw to split the pelvis, and pull everything up and out. Friend of mine told me once its good luck to hang his 'nads in a tree. I like to use as much of the deer as possible. If he's a mature buck, or just blessed, you can skin out his nutsack, turn it inside out and flesh it, salt it to dry it outreal good. When you do that, form it so its open, and you can give it to your boss for a candy dish for his desk. Then you'll have more time off to go huntin. Or, put it on the table full of almonds, pecans and walnuts at Christmas time. You'll need a nutcracker if ya have walnuts.
Another guy I work with has killed a lot of bears over the years. They actually have a bone that gives them a ....well you get the picture.
Anyway, he saves them, cleans em up and keeps 'em in a cup on his bar for swizel-sticks.
You ain't seen anything as funny as when you tell Grandma what it is she's stirrin her mixed drink with at the Christmas party.