For me it is about the time off from work, and the cost for me to travel anywhere to hunt.I only get to go off island once per year so I make it worth my while and try to get at least two hunts in during that time. This year I did Solana ranch and Brush Country. It costs me at least $1600 in airfare to get to Texas and another $1000 to rent a car plus what ever the hunts cost, this year was a total of $1800 for the hunts plus $330 for my lic. Total cost $4730. So I have to save all year for my trip, the buying of bows is secondary, but yeah, I have plenty of bows and if I could just stop buying I could afford another hunt while I am home. I think I am pretty much done now on the buying thing as I have the bows that fit me. But it is all good.