So, the time has come for me to get a new bow!
Though I've only been shooting a bow/trad for 9 months, I am starting to feel
that my 35@28 60" Samick Lightning Recurve just isn't enough!
I've really taking a liking to r/d longbows.
Just browsing through nearly 100 pages of Pow-Wow & Product Review posts has given
me alot of knowledge, but not enough.
I've managed to narrow down the wantedlist to a few bowyers:
Montana Bows - The Toelke Whip Longbow
Mohawk Bows - The yew/boo combo ^^
(Thunderstick MOAB removed due to long wait)
They are similarly priced, respected and real lookers!
I've yet to hear bad about any them!
(Which is also sort of what makes me nervous in choosing one!?)
My preferences :
I shoot R/H, 26,5" draw, split-finger, instinctive aim, #45-50, 56-60" long!
Would like the bow to be smooth and with absolute minimal handshock.
Consistency is also important, but that has more to do with me than the bow, I believe..
I would not mind it being as fast as possible either.
My question is then, which of these bows should I go for, and why?
Thanks to everyone for taking the time to share your opinions
-SveinD, Norway-
OPTIONAL READ (Because I like to over-explain things)
I must say that I agree with Rob DiStefano, that the only way to know for sure,
is to try as many bows as you can. The thing is, here in Norway there are only 3
vendors of Trad bows, of whom only 1 knows what he is doing. (Yes, it's you Ola)
Also there are very few gatherings, a small trad community, and that makes
it even harder to decide on what to get, which is why I would appreciate
any facts, comments and experiences any of you would like to share
The bow will probably not be used for hunting, though it is important to me that it be
able to! It will mostly be used for stumpshooting and some target archery, so it
needs to perform well in the varied outdoors climate of Norway! (Similar to Mid-Canada)
There are, of course, a ton of other great bows, which I will consider at a later
time, 'cause I fear a spree is on the way, but for now, as I would like a custom bow
that can be delivered "fast", and will not require me to sell my house for funding
3-4 months wait tops..