I just returned from the archery range where I found a dead buck next to one of the targets. The thing that is so frustrating is this deer I had witnessed with a arrow in it in october. I had called are local DWR officer after the frist time I seen the buck. Now this was a week before the rifle deer season was going to start and month passed the archery season had ended in our area. The arrow looked fresh and didn't look like an old hit from the archery season. It had been hit high in the spine and didn't penetrate,it looked like it may have had been a blunt too! The thing that makes me mad is I never even got a call back. I contacted two differant officers plus the main office. I also had a friend that witness a large buck hanging in a garage the day before the season open this year and again nothing happend. Yet they are so hard on other people(lots of real nit picky tickets) it's like they pic and choose. I know that our DWR is very low on funds but it can make it tough to not get mad if they don't try.