3Rivers Archery

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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Whats archery mean to you?  (Read 2493 times)

Offline Pepper

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Re: Whats archery mean to you?
« Reply #40 on: December 19, 2009, 01:00:00 PM »
Originally posted by Mudd:
I know it's a part, a good part of who and what I am.
I only regret that I spent so very many years between my walks with the bow and Christ.

Archery is a kind of metaphor of my walk with Christ in that in the very beginning as sweet as it was I lost track of myself and wandered away.

It took me years of learning and not always the easiest of ways to wake up to the important things in life.

Archery is a blessing in my life and a lot of that blessing is because of the people I get to rub shoulders with, you and others just like you.

I see great diversity and such commonness of spirit with the people I've met through the love of archery. I am reminded that I am a part of the body(as with Christ) but not always the prettiest of  parts.

I am not a wordsmith but do my best to let people know that I care about them. It is a labor of love.

I hope I haven't put anyone off with my sentimental drivel. Please forgive me if that's your case. I think I could go on and on... but what's the point... I love archery and what it brings to my life on so many different levels.

With all the love that is Christ Jesus
God bless,Mudd
 I don't think anyone could have expressed it any better, your comments mirrior my own.
It seems that the older I get the smarter I get, and I realize that I am only one small, small part of a greater picture.
God bless all of the the Trad Gang, may we all be thankful for the comradire we share.
Archery is a family sport, enjoy it with your family.

Offline snag

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Re: Whats archery mean to you?
« Reply #41 on: December 19, 2009, 01:24:00 PM »
I like a lot of these responses.

Claudia, your words hit it on the head for me.

But to add to it....it has given me the opportunity to learn from others how to make my own hunting items...how to tune up some arrows and a bow and the gratification of that. When I walk in His creation I am more in tune to it, more intimately a part of it.
Isaiah 49:2...he made me a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver.

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