Well, I thank you all for wanting to help me out with the burden of having to take care of and shoot all of these... very nice of you.
And yes, I shot every one of them yesterday, of course have very similar shooting characteristics and hit where I look.
The quivers are EFA's and most are Navaho X's, rattlesnake and beaver tail inserts. Haven't tried the totem models as of yet, but I don't have any issue with hood slipage like some have reported.
Yep, those Dakotas laying on the end are lonely, but I'm more looking for another A-riser with a medium grip w/half pinecones and some bocote in it as the limbs have bocote caps...
I just can't help myself with these bows, when they pop up in the classifieds I just have to have them. Beautiful as any bow out there, smooth as silk, quiet as a church mouse, and shoot like a house of fire! Hard to beat in my book... at least for me...
Thanks again folks!