I was just reading some threads here on Pow Wow and started to reflect back on who help me the most and the best shot you ever knew personally. I have 2 best shots and mentors. The first would be Vic Berger from Springfield, Ohio. He was called the White Knight shooting machine. I met him in 1969 at Roy Click's archery shop in Springfield. I remember watching him shoot the 80 yard target at Roy's shop and never missed it while I watched him. He helped me to learn good shooting form and just good shooting techniques. He was also a good hunter. One of the nicest guys you would ever want to be around. My 2nd guy is still yet to this day the best shot I have ever seen or known. His name is Harold Straight from Columbus, Ohio. His nickname was "pump handle" because of the way he shot. He would come to full draw and then he let down at full draw until he reached and touched his right nipple and then he go up and come to anchor and then release. My brother & I became good friends with him and helped us to learn how to put everything together. He would always help anyone that would ask. I remember my brother and I went out to Mr. Minnick's archery north of Alexander, Oh. When we got there there was a bunch of guys trying to guess how far the deer target was from them. There was all kind of guesses. In pulled pump handle and one guy said now we'll find out. They yelled at him to come over and bring you bow. They said pump handle how far is that target. He said 64 1/2 yards and they asked can you hit it. With the very first shot he hit it dead center. Also they stepped off the distance and it was 64 1/2 steps. He was a one of a kind that only comes along every so often. He really helped a lot of people. I was just wondering who in your archery backgroung is your mentor/or best shot. Mike in Ohio