OK... so I just sold my Robertson and the bow I was going to pick up after I paid my mortgage company this week has already been sold. So I am taking my grandpa's Browning WASP recurve outta retirement and hunting her for the next couple of weeks... I took out a few different arrows and broadheads and the setup that shoots and tunes best is my Easton Epic carbons fletched with 3 5" feathers, standard nock and insert, and a 100 grain Montec CS bh. The arrow just gets to 390-400 grs total weight and I can get my Montecs shaving sharp...
Coming out of a 50# WASP with a dacron string flemish that I made, at 20 yds will this arrow get the job done or is something heavier needed... basically, I don't want to buy anything else...
PS: after this season, the WASP is going into permanent retirement cause it has the very very beginnings of a crack in the top limb on the action side... core is solid though...