I even determined if the Flemish-twist bowstring was made with FastFlight, it was still not as effective as a FastFlight continuous-loop style bowstring.
I dunno how old the statements are, but that came from his book which was published a few years ago? I also recieved (via e-mail) information that was sent out with his bows--said some of the same stuff. It even went as far as voiding the warranty if a flemish OR dacron (endless or flemish) string was used.
He may have changed his mind since the book was published--I dunno--but the information given is incorrect.
I would love to see how the "tests" were performed.
Me too. Test results can be skewed if you don't make sure everything is equal, use a shooting machine, etc. Even different sizes of serving on the strings can affect results.
I can't say his results didn't show 8-10 fps difference, but I know that doesn't correllate with other tests I've read and talked to folks about, and the handshock thing goes against my personal experience.
FWIW, it kind of goes with what I've seen over the years. Some of the nicer bows I've seen on the racks had some of the most awful strings I've ever seen. I never understood why someone would put a $3 string on a $1,000 bow.