I had shoulder surgery March 31,started back shooting on June 20, quickest I could with extensive surgery. I had reviewed what I thought I was doing wrong/right while recuperating, and even though I couldnt shoot went to several shoots and took notes. I have shot for over 30 years, but changed several things. I went from split finger to 3 under, from a glove to a tab. While rehabing I started with #37, then #40 and worked my way up to #50 before season. I also have been coaching 4H this year and slowed down when shooting myself, worked on a solid anchor and pull through, and felt that I was shooting the best I had ever shot in my life, including compounds. I have taken 3 deer with 3 shots, 28, 30 and 35 yds, not that it matters when hunting, I shoot instinctive, jsut stepped them off to see. I also took 4 fall turkeys with 5 shots, missed one. I missed 2 rabbits, hit none. I felt pretty good going into season, felt even better after most of our season is over, still have one tag left, deer season closes mid janurary. I have been very satisfied with my shooting/hunting so far this year.