by swp - "tie a piece of shoestring or parachute cord around the bottom of my pants and double tie it. You can stick your bow tip in it perfectly"
That's cool, never thought of that - Simple and sweat...Thanx... Have sewed loops on some pants, but don't have them on all pants and sometimes carry a small 3/4" backpack type strap material with buckles to go around my leg, then make another loop at the end with another buckle to allow the bow tip to seat.
Have also used a small plastic dog leash type snap attached to a key ring (found in drug stores) and run the key ring through a front belt loop which the clip can then snap to the bow string depending on length of the bow and the location of the pant leg loop, can then be adjusted so that the bow can balance hands free. The clip snaps off easily when you need it and your drawing hand is already near the string. Works well in cold weather when you want both hands in pockets. Spent lotz of time on cold blustery January tree stands, although have retrieved a lot of arrows at the bottom of the tree when exiting stands...8^)
"cut a small square of camo cloth and glue the bottom and sides with fabric cement"
Cool, never thought of that either... Thanx for the great tips guys, cool thread.