Not sure what "full length" is on your shafts but you may be over spined at 55/60 even with 200 up front. I shoot 60/65 29" BOP (throat of the nock to the back of the point) cedar arrows with 175 up front that fly well from my 59# @ 28" osage self bow. My slightly lower draw wt (55 # 28) yew self bow likes 200 up front on the same arrow. Bow performance has a lot to do with the dynamic spine (what actually happens to the arrow when shot vs the measured static spine of hanging a 2# weight on the shaft and measuring deflection).
For an average performance self bow spine numbers are close, but more likely to be at or below your draw weight, sometimes 5-15 below as Mike said. But this is usually with about 125 grns up front and arrow cut to about 29" BOP. I would think your arrows if 30+" BOP with 200 up front would be weak enough for even a low performance bow that pulls 57#. The extra inch of arrow length and extra 75 grns at the tip should reduce dynamic spine by at least 10#.
A more accurate bare shaft test for self bows is where does your unfletched arrow hit compared to where it points? Hits left - too stiff, hits right - too weak (for a righty).