That's a far cry from "sunny Italy"!
I have camped and hunted to -15F, heard the trees popping in the cold, overnight. I still hunt until I get tired, or find a windless nook in the sun. I have gotten a bit hypothermic in milder temps, in a tree during a snowstorm, and felt lucky to get down in one piece. I stay on the ground these days. My clothing is a little better now than it was, for which I am grateful.
In camp, I split firewood to keep from sitting inside and burning my finite supply of propane. Stored water had to be thawed before using it to cook or drink, and food was kept in coolers to help keep it from freezing. I would not give up that experience for the world on a platter, but I think very carefully about exposing myself to those discomforts and hardships again. There is something to be said for a "comfortable old age".