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Author Topic: a pig story  (Read 816 times)

Offline eman614

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a pig story
« on: January 05, 2010, 10:17:00 PM »
well i had one of the craziest evenings of hunting i've ever had. i went walking around one of the local wmas. it is bordered by a river bottom, and there are quite a few pigs down there. at a quarter till 5 i heard some squeeling about 60yds away in the privet, so i decided to get my sneak on. this isn't the easiest thing to do when the ground is frozen but not solid. either way i snuck a quietly as i could to the sound of these pigs, when i noticed a set of red ears looking over a couple black logs 10 yds away. these were big ears too. then i noticed another set of ears. they must be in there bed. then from behind them a big black boar walked up. he walked up to the red pig, which was not small herself, nudged her a few times, and then bred her, meanwhile i'm trying to sneak in for a better angle. then it happens my flethings brush up against a branch, and pigs go in all directions. the two black logs from before ended up being pigs too. blown stalk number one.

blown stalk number two happened only minutes later, and just a few yards further back. another group of pigs were just behind the first group, and they had not spooked with the first. i got within 15yds of them, but couldn't see them for the privet. i decided to get on all fours and crawl to them. after about 2 feet or crawling i thought what am i gonna do if one comes after me. at that same moment i heard branches breaking to my immediate left, and i decided it was time to stand up. as i do i look to the left and see a big red pig standing just a few feet from me. thankfully it went the other direction, but it took the other pigs with it. blown stalk number two.

the pigs didn't go far so i did some more sneaking. they were making the god awfullest noises you ever heard. it was pretty dern scary. i started sneeking down a trail towards all the noise when i thought to myself that maybe this wasn't the greatest idea. i mean these pigs sounded severely pissed off, and there weren't any real good climbing trees. about the time i turn to find a different route all hell breaks loose behind me. i'm talking branches breaking, things running, pigs squealing, pigs growling, it scared the crap out of me. so i take off for the bushes, but my bow gets hung up on a limb. as much as i hate to admit it i left it there too. i turned around just in time to see a "little" sow, and the biggest boar i've ever seen running through an opening  20yds away. the best way to describe this boar is an angus cow with its legs chopped off. this was the first time i saw it but i had heard stories of him. everyone who has seen him guesses he weigh between 5 and 6hundred lbs, and i'd say that was a fair guess, but he could be more. after they ran through i ran to the opening they went just in time to catch a 200lbs boar in pursuit i made a 5yd shot on him that has me concerned you can read more on it under the topic title a pig question.

i'll be heading back in the am to try and find him, and hunt some more. i will keep you guys posted.

Offline Hot Hap

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Re: a pig story
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2010, 05:46:00 PM »
Sounds like you had a good time. Hap

Offline T Lail

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Re: a pig story
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2010, 06:06:00 PM »
love to hunt pigs......have heard sounds in the pig woods that would scare Freddy Kruger.....at least you had a good time.....
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Offline JMartin

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Re: a pig story
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2010, 07:41:00 PM »
Big pigs...in the woods...real close, things pick up pretty quick!

Offline woodbender

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Re: a pig story
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2010, 09:07:00 PM »
I wanna to try that soon.ive heard pigs are great for stalkin. thanks for sharin

Offline sabas silva

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Re: a pig story
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2010, 09:10:00 PM »
That sounds exciting as hech

Offline Mike Most

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Re: a pig story
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2010, 09:53:00 PM »
So, thats the rest of the story, did you have your bowie knife and tomahawk close? It does get very exciting very quickly, I will bet the hair was standing on the back of your neck too.

Makes me want to get out and stick one.

"It Shall be Life" (Ten Bears to Josie Wales)
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Offline straitera

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Re: a pig story
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2010, 11:23:00 PM »
That's as good a story as I've read in awhile! I've seen some big hogs but never Hogzilla. Sure hate to have to get my butt out of his mouth.
Buddy Bell

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