I would get some new Sealskin and put that back on the bow. I wouldntthink of changing my setup just because of a simple maintanence isssue. Its easy to run out of stuff, such as shelf material.
Whenever I make an order from 3Rivers or KustomKing or whoever I'm getting stuff from, I try to throw in a extra set of skin, and some string silencers, nock sets etc. Better to have a bunch of 'em sitting in my bow box than to be stuck tryin to make something else work. With a wife and 2 boys that also shoot trad, I'm always fixin something. If I don't keep 3 of everything, I'll be shorthanded before I know it.
After you replace your sealskin, then I would try tinkerin with your arrow setups. But I would not re-inventthe wheel over a piece of velcro that isnt workin for ya.