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Author Topic: Black Widow Spotted in Arizona  (Read 1484 times)

Offline Zbearclaw

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Black Widow Spotted in Arizona
« on: January 19, 2010, 07:03:00 PM »
For five years I have wanted to do this hunt, but life and stuff got in the way everytime.

Finally I had a break in work, school, and cash from Santa to make it happen so my buddy and I loaded his "goat" (Dodge pickup) and rolled into our camp about 11pm Thursday night.

We made camp and hit the rack for a few hours before we started the hunt.

Next am after fiddling up the alarm we were off on the quad to glass. Immediately we see 20 does and a small Forky and spike, both with milk on their lips. Aka my kind of trophy.

I planned the stalk with my buddy giving me signals but never got within even sniper range as the wind was bad and they bedded with the does protecting both bucks like they were the Rolling Stones or something. After that we located another 30 does with no bucks.

That afternoon we poked around in an area with week old deer and javie sign, and hours old lion sign. Nice...

Next am my buddy almost got a shot at a small three point that moved into that group with the fork and spike but it didn't happen.

After that we checked more country and luckily found a group of four javelina about a mile and a half off. Luckily because it didn't "look piggy" and I started glassing an area I thought I already had as my buddy checked the maps for our next spot.

Quickly we hauled butt over there, got the wind right and kicked off our boots.

Once we got close things got a little wild, but my buddy was able to call two in on a string. If mine didn't turn at the last second I would have gotten a lap dance!

As she turned the Widow spit out a 535gr meat missle at her, hitting high and back.


Turns out I got liver, kidney, and the artery below the spine and she was done in less than 75yds. She pumped blood like crazy and though the shot was bad as I hadn't practiced running shots at 60 inches enough, I knew she was done.

Here she is, had zero "stank" and was very big for a female.


Got her and took some pics before skinning out and getting back to finding more deer and javelina.

That night we only found does.

We were both surprised by the numbers of does without even dinks with them. Given the time constraint and being I haven't gotten a buck with the Widow yet I was wanting to tag whatever buck I could.

That night we grubbed down and went to bed with high hopes for our last full day.

That am my buddy got within pinching distance of the second best buck we saw the whole trip, but there is such a thing as "too close" and the buck got away unscathed.

That night we went to yet another good lookin area and glassed up a dozen does and one buck, solid 24" 3 or 4 point that was pretty heavy and full framed, but 2 miles off and had only a few minutes to get there.

We tried to find a route to cut the distance but couldn't and glassed until dark and headed to camp.

Next am we couldn't find the deer until right before we threw in the French (white) flag.

We bumped a familiar 22" 3 by 4 and I grabbed the Widow and ran like Forrest Gump up he ridge to cut them off.

I got within "Widow range" twice but the damn does had him blocked like the secret service everytime I had him in the clear.

Finally they hauled off and I had to watch and walk back to the quad so we could get out of there as the sleet started falling.

Great hunt with a good buddy in different and new country. Luckily that deer tag is valid later in the year and I am already stacking points with the warden to get there in August.

Here's a few more pics that I found worth noting.

Here's the only Arizona deer I get to chew on until at least August.


A pretty neat pic of me glassing right at dusk on the third night.

Give me a bow a topo and two weeks, and I guarantee I kill two weeks!

Offline Ric O'Shay

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Re: Black Widow Spotted in Arizona
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2010, 07:11:00 PM »
Good story and nice pics.
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Offline Gumby

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Re: Black Widow Spotted in Arizona
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2010, 07:14:00 PM »
Great story...thanks for sharing.

Offline Pissant

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Re: Black Widow Spotted in Arizona
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2010, 07:14:00 PM »
Nice skunk hog....I used to live out in "the zone" but since moved back east. I miss chasing those buggers around with the stick and string, such a fun hunt.  What unit did you connect in?


Offline Zbearclaw

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Re: Black Widow Spotted in Arizona
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2010, 07:18:00 PM »
We were in 32.  We saw a good bit of sign where we found those, and where we found the smokin hot lion sign but otherwise saw much less than my buddy is used to when he hunts 33.

Fun hunt for a neat critter that was almost born to be hunted with a bow.

Having them come in teeth popping and and beading right down on you is something to see.

Next time ain't coming fast enough, nor does it ever.

thanks guys
Give me a bow a topo and two weeks, and I guarantee I kill two weeks!

Offline Canyon

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Re: Black Widow Spotted in Arizona
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2010, 07:21:00 PM »
Beautiful. Great story. I'll also ask what unit were ya playing in!!
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Offline Jerry Wald

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Re: Black Widow Spotted in Arizona
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2010, 07:27:00 PM »
Love to hunt in the south sometime - any hunting in late june mid july - Thinking of taking my bike down south around then. California then arizona - colorado and then texas.

Any chance of a canuck to be able tot hunt down there.....would love to shoot a 44 mag too...never done that..damn regs up here.

Jer Bear

Offline Benny Nganabbarru

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Re: Black Widow Spotted in Arizona
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2010, 07:28:00 PM »
TGMM - Family of the Bow

Offline Pissant

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Re: Black Widow Spotted in Arizona
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2010, 07:28:00 PM »

I shot my 1st javi in 32 up copper creek canyon....man your getting me excited, I'm gonna have to get on the horn and get something planned for a trip back.  Right on about having 8 pigs coming in ready for war.  It's a little unnerving but man is it a rush!

Offline Wannabe1

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Re: Black Widow Spotted in Arizona
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2010, 08:55:00 PM »
Man, that sounds exciting. Congrats on the nice hog and good luck come August. LOVE THEM WIDDERS!!   :thumbsup:    :clapper:
Desert Shield/Storm, Somalia and IOF Veteran
"The Mountains are calling and, I must go!" John Muir

Offline Zbearclaw

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Re: Black Widow Spotted in Arizona
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2010, 10:59:00 PM »
It is a hunt everyone should try.

The country they and the desert mulies live in is incredible.

Many times I said "no self respecting deer would live here" at the exact moment I glassed a herd of 20 does feeding like they were in an alfalfa field.

I give desert hunters credit, it takes miles and good eyes to even find a deer, let alone the good ones many ground check regularly!
Give me a bow a topo and two weeks, and I guarantee I kill two weeks!

Offline elkhunter752

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Re: Black Widow Spotted in Arizona
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2010, 12:35:00 AM »
sweet story, made for some fun reading.
Dillon Martini

Offline Zbearclaw

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Re: Black Widow Spotted in Arizona
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2010, 12:47:00 AM »
Thanks guys.

That VPA broadhead saved my narrow butt.  I made a mediocre shot and that broadhead caught everything it could and kept on trucking.

Great blood trail and once again I am confident I have the meanest broadhead in my quiver.

Now I got to find a good sausage recipe for "cactus rat".  I hear chorizo is the ticket, but have never eaten chorizo except in a burrito from a "roach coach".

Good times for sure...
Give me a bow a topo and two weeks, and I guarantee I kill two weeks!

Offline kung fu kid

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Re: Black Widow Spotted in Arizona
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2010, 01:49:00 AM »
Wow!  That javi looks like it could still gore you.  Congrats.

Offline Boomerang

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Re: Black Widow Spotted in Arizona
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2010, 12:17:00 PM »
Good job Zeke!
I tell you what some guys have all the fun and all I do is get stuck making broadheads for you fellers having all the fun.  :biglaugh:

Offline sore fingers

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Re: Black Widow Spotted in Arizona
« Reply #15 on: January 20, 2010, 03:02:00 PM »
Good story and pics. For a little critter they have some real daggers! Nice job!

Offline woodsman 365

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Re: Black Widow Spotted in Arizona
« Reply #16 on: January 20, 2010, 07:01:00 PM »
Glad you got to do your hunt. I would like to do a hunting trip some day. Just don't know which one or if the better half will pay for it. Thanks for the story. >>> RAY

Offline Zbearclaw

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Re: Black Widow Spotted in Arizona
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2010, 12:31:00 PM »
Thanks guys, it is a hunt all should do.  Jan is a great time to be out chasing deer and stink pigs.
Give me a bow a topo and two weeks, and I guarantee I kill two weeks!

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