as jim just said, no need to pad 12 strand endless loops strings.
on a 12 strand string that means 7 strands in the closed loop and 6 strands in the open loop. more than enuf, plus add in the cushioning effect of the serving - i prefer to use #4 nylon braid for all loop serving.
for skinny endless strings of 6 to 8 main body strands i pad each loop with 6 or 4 strands of bowstring fiber.
as to those who question the strength of endless string loops, here's what tim baker wrote in the trad bowyer's bible, volume two ...
"Many archers and writers of the past and present have assumed the loop of an endless string is weaker than the string itself. the following argument is presented:
The loop is only half as thick as the main string, therefore only half as strong. For the loop to have sufficient strength, string thickness has to be doubled, doubling the entire string's mass in the process.
This seems to make perfect sense, and if my engineer friend, Dick Baugh, hadn't set me straight on the matter, the above argument might have stood. Many a fight, by the way, has been started down at The Bowmaker's Bar over just this subject.
It's easy to prove that an endless string's half thickness loop is as strong as it's full thickness body: Determine the strength of a strand of string. Loop it over a smooth hook of a pull scale, two strands hanging down. Pull on both strands, noting the scale weight at the breaking point.
This seems unfair, two strands against the loop's single strand, but the single strand will hold it's own. Breaking strength will be double that of a single strand broken in a straight pull. Almost! Minor abrasion takes place where the loop meets the nock, and bunching/crushing pressures lower loop strength just slightly. This requires loops to be slightly thickened, by thickening the whole string. A soft serving should be used to cushion the loop."
note: hindsight shows that the sentence 'this requires loops to be slightly thickened, by thickening the whole string' should have been amended to 'this requires the loops to be slightly thickened, by padding the loops with a few extra strands'.