The idea got kicked around quite a bit a few years ago, all right, but it never really got off the ground. The trad community here has just never been big enough or powerful enough to accomplish such a thing even though some of us would like to have seen it. It wound up being pretty devisive to the bowhunting groups in general and I think everyone finally agreed to just forget it. For as admittedly small an impact as the traditional hunters have in terms of game harvest it always seemed to me that it would be a great idea that wouldn't really hurt anyone, but that was not how the compounders saw it. In truth, the game department doesn't even regard traditional harvest as an accurate management tool. They gear seasons based on rifle hunters that have a more predictable rate of success. I believe that Oregon did have a couple of zones designated as traditional only at one time, but I heard that they weren't that great in terms of animal density - don't know if they still exist.