Just about anything sharp works. . . I always thought my Magnus that shaved hair off my arms, cut through bone, and always had fine blood trails were just fine (and I still think they are). . .
BUT, HONESTLY- if you have never used a head as sharp as the Silver Flames, Ron's KME sharpened heads, (new heads coming out from ABowyer) etc. then it may seem all the same to you. I posted a topic a couple years ago on this very issue. I have been bow hunting for 35 years, and I am telling you- once I shot some deer with those Silver Flames (not promoting the head as much as the hardness of the metal and SCARY sharpness!) I realized that there is an entirely higher level of scary sharp!!
The cutting, blood, lack of clotting, and minimal response by deer was absolutely amazing to me. You literally only lightly touch these blades and they cut your finger. To see a deer on the ground dead within seconds while blood just continues to pour out the wound is amazing. . . and has/will continue to happen many times over if I have any say!
I am trying to learn how to sharpen all my heads to that sharpness now. KME is helping.