Traditional Bowhunters of Montana
7th Annual Convention
Jan 29th & 30th -2009
Chico Hot Springs Resort
Admission to convention and seminars is free, Saturday evening
Banquet tickets are $40 *NON-MEMBERS WELCOME*
Schedule of Events
Friday January 29th
3pm-5pm Vendor/Registration Set Up- Townsend Room
5pm-9pm Vendor Area, Registration & Silent Auction Opens
5pm-11pm No Host Bar- Chico Conference Center- Knowles Room
11pm-??? No Host Bar-Chico Saloon-Live Bluegrass-Little Jane & The Pistol Whips
Saturday January 30th
8am-4pm Vendor Area, Registration & Silent Auctions Open
11am-12pm SEMINAR-Chico Conference Center-Knowles Room
Whitetails Up Close & Personal –Bryce Lambley
1:15-1:45pm SEMINAR-Chico Conference Center-Knowles Room
Blacktails on a Budget-Kodiak Style-Bryce Lambley
2:00-3:00pm SEMINAR-Chico Conference Center-Knowles Room
The Great White Year-Dick & Yote Robertson
3:00-4:00pm *Bi-Annual Meeting*- Chico Conference Center-Knowles Room
6-7pm Pre-Banquet Social Time
7pm-10pm BANQUET-Guest Speaker-Bryce Lambley
Raffles/Silent Auction- Our raffles will be drawn during the banquet Sat evening. The silent auction will be ongoing from Friday evening thru Saturday’s banquet. Winners need not be present to win.
*As always raffle tickets will be sold only at the convention*
Hope to see everyone there!