Hi Mark,
1. Improper brace height can make a bow louder than normal when it's shot.
Mainly, it effects the dynamic spine of your arrow (how weak or stiff the arrow acts as it's being shot).
By adjusting brace height lower, or higher you can use it to tune your arrows for optimal flight. (Just make sure you stay as close to your bowyer's recommended bh for that particular bow).
2. When you do twist the string... you want to be careful not to UNtwist it very much, because this is how a flemish string is held together.
You don't really have to watch it as closely if you are going to put more twists in a string.
Ah, you ask, how do I do this...
With the bow unstrung and the upper string loop still on the bow limb, but not in the string grooves, you simply take the bottom loop off of the bottom limb tip and you will want to twist the string in a Counter Clockwise direction. Usually about two full twists will raise you bh up about a quarter of an inch, but this varies.
Here is alot of good tuning info for you-
http://www.acsbows.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/tuninglongbowsandrecurves.pdf Also, the masters of the barebow 1,2,&3 dvd series are a great way to see how to tune a bow.
If you have any more questions, feel free to private message me.
hope this helps,
ps. forgot to mention that anytime you change your bh, you need to recheck and re-adjust your nock height because this will have changed.