Picked up a used RER recurve that needed a little cleaning. Possibly a refinish job. The bow had a wrapped grip that appeared to be one of the poly wraps. After taking the bow down and cleaning the limbs I unwrapped the grip someone had a Dremmel moment. Yikes !!!!!
Do not have a lot of $$ in the bow so I will work with what is here. The fella that sold me the bow had no idea at all about the grip being worked over.
So I wont be refinishing and letting the grip wood show through. Thinking about filling in with Modeling clay(Very dense modeling clay) or Plastic wood, reshaping the removed wood, and just stitching on a new leather grip.
I am not sure there is enough wood left to reshape and refinish the grip.
Photos are not the best but you will see what was done to the grip
Any ideas here fellas?
Thanks DD