With respects to Dr. Ashby and just for info's sake, while never "on the market" I have had for well over a year the same basic product for my Beman MFX shafts that my bowyer Dan Toelke designed and had manufactured. These Chrome Steel inserts have a short ferule, weigh 105 grains and when the hollow end of the ferule is tapped full of soft lead wire, they weigh 125 grs. There is 1 3/16" of steel insert that goes into the shaft, a very strong set-up making the possibilities with different weight broadheads and also different weight brass or cut-off sections of steel inserts added behind that 1 3/16" almost endless. While I like the looks of this product and like to shoot a lot of weight up front in my carbons, sometimes it is hard to find a truly new product. As a note, I cannot recall why Dan did not put his inserts on the market, it may have been the introduction of the brass glue-in/glue-on inserts around that time but regardless these steel inserts certainly seem to offer obvious advantages.