Hello all, I would like to get into traditional archery. I’ve shot archery on and off for 20 years. My father started my younger brother and I shooting instinctively when we were about 6 or so. Around age 14 I took up training wheels and shot those bows until last year. My brother stayed with traditional archery equipment. He shots a beautiful Mahaska longbow. I want to make the switch back to traditional equipment for simplicities sake. I’ve tried to do all the homework I could on the subject. I like the Idea of a longbow. I didn’t think this would be such a difficult decision. I plan on shooting 3D’s for practice and hopefully be good enough to hunt with it next year for whitetail. I’ve been trying to decipher which longbow is best suited for my needs. What are the advantages of a straight stay longbow over a longbow with reflex-deflexed limbs. Everything I’ve researched and the limited opinions I have received told me to go with a reflex-deflexed style longbow. With my limited experience (and only having shot a Mahaska with reflex-deflexed bow design), I like them. So what are the differences between a straight stay bow and reflex-deflexed. (Arrow speeds, length of bow, smoothness of draw, hand shock?) I know the best way to buy a bow is to shot it first and see what feels best. That being said I don’t know of any traditional shops around that sell hunting poundage bows near me. It also seems that most of the bows I have found are custom made online. (Great Plains, Mahaska) One of my concerns is spending 500-700 dollars on something I’m not 100% sure I’m not going to love. Another question I have is overall bow length. I plan on hunting from a tree stand. I guess a shorter bow say 60-62” is easier to shot from a tree stand than say a 68” bow. I have a shorter draw length (27.5”) that should help me get away with a shorter bow? What are your opinions on bow length for hunting? Thanks for your time and opinions. My apologies if this are in the wrong forum. Chris