I have been a member here for a few years now and I have shot for 20. I have never seen so many posts dealing with tuning arrows and the problems folk are having! It is getting out of control (in my opinion! lol). The ashby method of EFOC seems to get people frustrated with tuning arrows to their bows, instead of having fun shooting. I have done this myself! Has anyone shot 300 gr points on a carbon shaft out of a 50# Hill style bow? Boy, without fletching you are going to see some crazy things. With fletching you will really notice some severe arrow drop! I am a fan of Ashby's reports, but I think newer shooters, and those having trouble tuning arrows might consider a few basic things. Consider balance. Loading that much weight (as an example) up front from a lower weight bow is going to be touchy and tough to tune. The more center shot, the easier, but consider starting with something more reasonable. I have found wood arrows more forgiving to tuning than carbon, and point weights of 200gr great for bows around 50#, and 150gr great for bows around 45#. I tuned some carbons out of a 55# R/D bow with more center shot and 235gr points and they fly great. My point is just that getting too far out on any parameter seems to make the whole process more touchy with every variable. If you don't draw to a consistent length, one arrow flies great and the next poorly. Inconsistent grip, finger pressure...the list goes on. Add a potential range limitation due to extreme arrow drop and you might just consider going with something easier and then working toward the more difficult to achieve. I have most of the resources to quickly change arrow set-ups and find that I consistently just shoot wood arrows, because they are so easy to get to fly great vs the constant micro-tuning I feel I have to do with carbons and point weights over 200gr. Just my thoughts to all of the HELP posts!
Shoot Straight