Easton is just like every large corporation. They look at sales and then they cut out stuff. Over the last few years, Easton has done away with the old Super Slam camo pattern (the one Chuck Adams used to advertise). I hate the Super Slam digital camo pattern Easton is now using. Easton also did away with the Autumn Orange colored shafts and did away with the 2113 and 2115 sized shafting. Getting rid of the 2113 sized shafts made me add one more inch to my finished arrows so I had to go from a 2113 to a 2212 X7 Elipse arrow for two of my bows. Doing away with the 2115 size also made me add one more inch to my arrows to shoot out of my third bow so I now shoot a 2213. I will say I did shoot 2213s as a backup for many decades in the low poundages I shoot, but it was a light arrow compared to a 2115. Easton is not the company it was years ago. I liked it when the Doug and Jim Easton were running the company. I'm not sure if Jim's son, Greg is running the company now, but if he is, I don't like what he's done with the bowhunting side of it with regards to it's discontinuation of many sizes of aluminum arrow shafting. I know many people who shot the 2115 arrow size, but it's gone now. Funny thing is, Easton still has the 2514 size shafting. Who in the blue blazes shoots that large diameter shaft? I've never seen anyone shoot it.